Daniel 4:13-37
Daniel 4:20-22
Daniel 4:28-33
Daniel 4:38-39
Ephesians 6:12
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
What’s the definition of an Interloper?
“An interloper is a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.” “Definitions from Oxford Languages”
Dr. Michael Heiser “Angels”
(What the Bible really says about God’s Heavenly Host)
“Watchers” is the overwhelming choice of term for the fallen sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4 in this later literature; the connection to the Akkadian MASSARE provides a secure basis for understanding the meaning of IR to be “vigilant watchfulness.” This of course, is consistent with being wakeful and a guardian role.
John Lennox in his book quotes Peter Singer, a Princeton bio-ethicist.
“Whatever the future holds, it is likely to prove impossible to restore in full the sanctity-of-life view. The philosophical foundations of this view have been knocked asunder. We can no longer base out ethics on the idea that human beings are a special form of creation made in the image of God, singled out from all other animals, and alone possessing an immortal soul. Our better understanding of our own nature has bridged the gulf that was once thought to lie between ourselves and other species, so why should we believe that the mere fact that a being is a member of the species
“Homo Sapiens” endows its life with some unique, almost infinite value?”
“There is no reason to think that a fish suffers less when dying in a net than a fetus suffers during an abortion, hence the argument for not eating fish is much stronger than the argument against abortion. Peter Singer “Rethinking Life and Death”
“The life of a newborn baby is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog or a chimpanzee.” Peter Singer “The Life You Can Save”
UAP’s stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The fact that they are now labeled “phenomena” makes them mor of a reality in the public discourse. But a phenomenon also begs for an explanation, and that’s the story.
Gary Stearman who published the book “Time Travelers” writes:
“Prophecy tells us that men who should know better have welcomed false gods as superior beings. Wall carvings and paintings of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians graphically illustrate the interactions of their “gods” with mankind. Even the Israelites began to worship them, and may do so again. Israel is the model for this for bidden practice, clearly documented in Moses’ concluding work in the Torah:
“They stirred him to jealousy with strange gods; with abominations they provoked him to anger. They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded.” (Deuteronomy 32:16-17)
“God’s indictment of Israel is that in the past, they welcomed into their lives beings whom they regarded as superior. The prophet Daniel says that this will happen again, when Israel welcomes the man whom they believe to be their messiah. He will be backed by alien powers that give him credibility. In all likelihood, these powerful beings will masquerade as ambassadors from other planets. But they will be devils.”
Gary Stearman in his article titled: Alien Technology? (July 2021) writes:
“It is well known that the Roman Catholic Church seems to regard aliens as real corporeal beings from other star systems. It has even gone to the extent of theorizing about whether these aliens would fall under the rule of necessity for redemption through Christ.
In 2010, the director of the Vatical Observatory, the Reverend Jose Gabriel Funes, made the blatant assumption that UFO reports should now be assumed to indicate that our planet is most probably being explored by aliens from elsewhere in the universe! He wonders aloud whether these creatures should be considered as our brothers and sisters in Christ. In 2008 Funes was quoted in the Vatican newspaper, Osservatore Romano, as saying: “Just like there is an abundance of creatures on earth, there should also be other being seven intelligent ones, that were created by God. That doesn’t contradict our faith, because we cannot put boundaries to God’s creative freedom. As Saint Francis would say, when we consider the earthly creatures to be our ‘brothers and sisters’, why couldn’t we also talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother?’ He would still be a part of creation.”
“The subject of space aliens has exploded from myth, to speculations, to startling reality. Policy institutes and philosophical groups around the world are now preoccupied with the subject of how to successfully integrate humanity with superior creatures from outer space. They reason that since ufonauts are already here, they would certainly be superior in their knowledge of science and technology. Their real question then becomes, are they “good guys”, or “bad guys?” Would they come here as spiritual guides, or would they look at humans as a good meal?”
“It is universally assumed that they will be superior to humans, for the simple reason that they had the technology to come here. We didn’t have the technology to go there. And of course, in the contemporary mind, technology is everything.”