Genesis 11:1-9
Jude 3-7
Genesis 6:4
Genesis 9:1
Deuteronomy 32:8-9
Romans 1:18-25
John 17:1-9
Deuteronomy 4:19-20
Psalm 82
Application for today: Chuck Swindoll
“The reason religion is so appealing to us is that we like feeling as if we are giving God a boost. We enjoy talking about all we’re doing for God rather than emphasizing what He has done for us. It makes us feel important. At first, religion might sound like it’s focused on God. But in the end, it’s all about us – our achievements, our glory, and our pride.
In Genesis 11, we see one of the earliest attempts to reach God by human effort. I find in this story three things that happen when we adopt a mind-set focused on what we do for God:
What is at the heart of this building project? It is an attitude that goes something like this: Doing what I want to do will result in being what I deserve to be. I want to build a tower. Why? Because I want to be famous. I ought to be great. I need that sense of satisfaction that comes from making a name for myself.
The people don’t consult God about their building project. In fact, they are disobeying His command to Noah that people should fill the earth and are trying to do the exact opposite.
People with a religious mentality love to quote their favorite Bible verse: “God helps those who help themselves.” But there’s just one problem – that verse is not in the Bible. As a matter of fact, nothing like it is in the Bible! God didn’t help the people of Genesis 11 complete their monument to themselves. He stopped them for good. Truth be told, God helps those who CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES. God helps those who acknowledge their need for Him and recognize His provision and power in their lives.