1 Corinthians 10:10-22
1 Corinthians 10:1-6
1 Corinthians 10:7-12
John 8:31-32
1 Corinthians 10:20-22
Psalm 139:23-24
Dave Hunt in his book titled “Beyond Seduction” published 1987, writes:
“Some people openly admit their refusal to submit at all to God’s correction; many others, however, cloak their rejection of God’s Word in the pious pretense of religious zeal and devotion. As though deceived by their own hypocrisy, they protest their innocence: ‘But, Lord, we did it all in your name!’ They have selfishly contrived to ‘interpret’ the Bible as saying what they want it to say rather than what God intended it to say. That is a common tendency which anyone who studies the Bible must guard against.
Never have so many given so much honor to a book they apparently have so little genuine intention of heeding.
Until we have been set free from our innate self-centeredness, our natural interest is really in ourselves, no matter how loudly we protest our concern for God’s kingdom.”
Charles Colson in his book titled: ‘WHO SPEAKS’ writes:
“While millions of Americans, myself included, pray fervently for revival, we must ask ourselves whether we are asking God to save our society, ourselves, or our souls….
The real trouble is that we Christians are not willing to accept the gospel for what it is. It doesn’t tell us how to save anything but our souls.”
Dave Hunt “Beyond Seduction”
“Prayer, even for revival, all too often becomes a religious technique for getting God to bless one’s own plan. We decide what we want and spend the “sweet hour of prayer” trying to persuade God to work it out for us. And if someone offers a guaranteed technique for getting prayers answered through visualization or thinking or speaking ‘positively’ many Christians are only too eager to buy the package, forgetting that it effectively turns God into a magic genie at their service when they ‘rub the lamp’ the right way.
So great is the human capacity for self-deception that we can be blind even to our own insincerity.”
A.W. Tozer said it this way:
“True faith requires that we believe everything God has said about Himself, but also that we believe everything He has said about us.
Until we believe that we are as bad as God says we are, we can never believe that He will do for us what He says He will do. Right here is where popular religion breaks down.”
As Dave Hunt is warning:
“to attempt to force sinners under the threat of hell to act like saints, when they really have neither the heart nor power to do so, can only produce hypocrites.
The real Christian has a new heart, a new mind. His outlook on life has changed completely. He loves God and righteousness and hates sin. His whole delight is in pleasing God and doing His will. By faith in Him, Christ has become his very life.
To confess this truth is to admit at last the painful but liberating fact that the Christian life is impossible for any man to live – no one but Christ Himself ever has or ever could do so. The person who sees this fact is well on his way to learning that the secret of ABUNDANT LIFE and INEXPRESSIBLE JOY is simply by faith to allow Christ to live his SUPERNATURAL LIFE through Him.”
McCandlish Phillips in his book ‘The Bible- the supernatural and the Jews’ writes:
“You can have religion without knowing God. Satan does not hate religion; he has invented most of it.
Too often the GIFTS seem to be valued above the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, and the pursuit of miracles and new revelations leaves little time to know the Giver and what He has already said in His Word. Christianity can become just another RELIGION which, like the rest, is practiced for the selfish benefits of healing and prosperity.”
“The temple in Corinth was an ancient religious sanctuary dedicated to the Greek god Apollo. Developed in the 8th century B.C., the sanctuary was home to the Oracle of Delphi and the priestess Pythia, who was famed throughout the ancient world for DIVINING THE FUTURE and was consulted before all major undertakings.” www.history.com