Daniel 9:24-27
Matthew 24:3
Matthew 24:36-39
Daniel 9:24-26
Ezra 1:1-4
Ezra 3:10-11
Ezra 4:1-3
Ezra 4:11-13
Ezra 4:21
Daniel 9:25a
Nehemiah 1:4-6
Nehemiah 2:1-5
Ron Rhodes in his commentary on these verses in Daniel writes:
“Even weeks…sixty-two weeks (verses 25-26); Gabriel provided some rather complex details about both the immediate future and the more distant end-times future. Here is the gist of what is important to grasp;
Gabriel informed Daniel about 70 weeks of years. A week of years is 7 years, so 70 weeks of years comes to a total of 490 years.
Gabriel spoke of 7 weeks of years followed by 62 weeks of years.
Seven weeks plus 62 weeks adds up to 69 weeks of years.
And what is 69 weeks of years?
It comes to 483 years (69 multiplied by 7). Her is the important point: Gabriel indicated that there was to be a 483-years period from the issuing of a decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the time the Messiah comes (that is, the first coming of Jesus Christ, not the second coming).
The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to proclaim Himself Israel’s Messiah was 483 years to the day after the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem had been given.”
How accurate and precise is God’s timetable in History?
John Lennox
“Twelve lunar cycles take 354 days. This means that the lunar year is just over eleven days shorter than the solar year, and it would appear that around the time of the Babylonian captivity an extra intercalary thirty-day month was added to make the necessary correction (just as we have a leap year of 366 days every four years, since the solar year is actually a little over 365 days long).
On this basis then:
• The 69 sevens – or 483 – years of 360 days, each amount to
173, 880 days
• 1 solar year = 365.24219879 days
• So 173,880 days = 476.067663 solar years = 476 years + 24.7 days
Using the familiar Gregorian calendar, if we start from the beginning of the month Nisan in 444 BC and add 476 years plus 25 days, then we get to the month Nisan in AD 33.
The two days for the crucifixion of Jesus that appear most often in scholarly writings are AD 30 and 33. One reason for this is that in those two years 14 Nisan, on which the Passover lamb was killed, fell on a Friday. Recently Cambridge scientist Sir Colin Humphreys, working with astrophysicist Graeme Waddington of Oxford, calculated that Jesus died on 3 April 33 AD.
These findings have been widely accepted and they show that Daniel’s sixth century BC prophecy turns out to be a phenomenally accurate prediction of the time when the “Messiah the Prince” would be cut off.”

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Extraordinary Faith - A Study of Daniel
We are in Daniel 9:24-27.
Broadcasted 10/24/21 2:59pm - 10/24/21 4:38pm
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