COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"desires" Tagged Sermons

What Do You Long For?

What about those who call themselves followers of Jesus, people who have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and who want to follow the Lord wherever he goes, what is their deepest desire?
Of all the people who received an inheritance in the Promised Land, Caleb was the only one to completely drive out the enemy. And remember, it was Caleb who faced some of the most formidable enemies in the entire land. GIANTS WHERE LIVING THERE. Caleb had the longing to live where God promised him he would live one day. His longing was stronger than his physical limitations. Caleb longed to have fellowship and communion with God and God’s people. Caleb never longed for the approval of man, but he longed for the approval of God. He was not afraid of what the consequences would be if he longed for God’s approval and therefore would lose most friendships.

Blessed Are the Balanced Ones

Worship has become the playground or the battleground. However, the Bible teaches us that true worship should be done on HOLY GROUND. The fundamental challenge we all face regarding worship is to find the right balance; a balance that makes worship a blessing instead of a curse. Lucifer exalted himself and was humiliated, while Jesus humbled himself and was highly exalted.
The problem we face regarding balanced worship is not a generational problem, young vs. old, IT IS A THEOLOGICAL PROBLEM. God is love, yet he also is holy. In other words, God wants us to delight in Him and express our love to Him, but He also wants us to remember that He alone is the Lord. Thomas Merton said: “The professed Christian who uses God’s love as an excuse to sin and violate God’s holiness is living on the doorstep of hell.”