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hands that are skilled to the task.




Genesis 6:1-5 are the opening scripture verses.

Broadcasted 5/14/23 2:55pm - 5/14/23 4:45pm

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Genesis 6:1-5
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1 Peter 1:23
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Galatians 3:16

“Merriam Webster Dictionary”
Revolution and revolt have a shared origin, both ultimately going back to the Latin revolvere “to revolve, roll back.” When revolution first appeared in English in the 14th century, it referred to the movement of a celestial body in orbit; that sense was extended to “a progressive motion of a body around an axis,” “completion of a course,” and other senses suggesting regularity of motion or a predictable return to an original position. At virtually the same time, the word developed a sharply different meaning, namely, ”a sudden radical, or complete change,” apparently from the idea of reversal of direction implicit in the Latin verb. Revolt , which initially meant “to renounce allegiance,” grew from the same idea of “rolling back,” in this case from a prior bond of loyalty.”

Matthew Ehret “The Unfinished Symphony”
“Contrary to popular opinion, revolutions are never spontaneous, and always occur with catalyzers drawing upon core principles of human nature and historical forces. The FORM a government takes after a revolution is of less consequence than many today believe. If a revolution for democracy occurs anywhere in the world, what does it matter if there is a hereditary elite managing the system from above? Does that make a revolution for socialism better? Not if the leadership of the socialist revolution doesn’t really care about the good of the people.
Whatever the form of government, the qualification for moral fitness is based upon its commitment to the GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL OF ITS PEOPLE, AND ITS NEIGHBORS. Is it committed to a political-economic-cultural program founded upon the constant improvement of the minds, spirits, and lives of all, or is it wired to pillage from the masses for the benefit of a few?”
Dr. Michael Heiser:
“The serpent (Nachash) was an image commonly used in reference to a divine throne guardian. Given the context of Eden, that helps identify the villain as a divine being. The divine adversary dispenses divine information, using it to goad Eve. He gives her an oracle (an omen): You won’t really die. God knows when you eat you will be like one of THE ELOHIM.
Lastly, a shining appearance conveys a divine nature. All the meanings telegraph something important.”
Dr. Michael Heiser
“The rest of the biblical story doesn’t consist of humans battling snake people. That’s no surprise, since the enemy of humanity wasn’t a mere snake. The Bible does, however, describe an ongoing conflict between followers of Yahweh and human and divine beings who follow the spiritual path of the Nachash.
All who oppose God’s kingdom plan are the seed of the Nachash. The seed of the Nachash is therefore literal (people and divine beings are real) and spiritual (the lineage is one of spiritual rebellion).”
Dr. Michael Heiser
“Scholars agree that the Second Temple Jewish literature that influenced Peter and Jude shows intimate familiarity with the original Mesopotamian context of Genesis 6:1-4. For the person who considers the Old and New Testament to be equally inspired, interpreting Genesis 6:1-4 “in context” means analyzing it in light of its Mesopotamian background as well as 2 Peter and Jude, whose content utilizes supernatural interpretations from Jewish theology of their own day.
Filtering Genesis 6:1-4 through Christian tradition that arose centuries after the New Testament period cannot honestly be considered interpreting Genesis 6:1-4 in context.”
Who Are the Nephilim?
The mysterious beings of Genesis 6
“The Nephilim, the product of the sons of god, mingling with the daughters of Adam, the great biblical giants, “the fallen ones,” the Rephaim, “the dead ones”—these descriptions are all applied to one group of characters found within the Hebrew Bible. Who are the Nephilim? From where do the “heroes of old, the men of renown” come? Genesis 6:1–4 tells the readers that the Nephilim, which means “fallen ones” when translated into English, were the product of copulation between the divine beings (lit. sons of god) and human women (lit. daughters of Adam). The Nephilim are known as great warriors and biblical giants (see Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33).”