COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"tumult" Tagged Sermons

Here Comes The Red Horse

It is good to read about the appearance of all 4 horses, because they will ride out in sequence and will produce the devastating result of killing ¼ of the entire world population, that about 1.7 billion people in today’s numbers.
Jesus clearly states that he never came to BRING PEACE ON EARTH. He penetrated the kingdom of darkness when he came to this earth. PEACE BELONGS ONLY TO THOSE WHO CONFESS HIM BEFORE MEN, because those are the ones where the PRINCE OF PEACE RULES.
The GREEK word translated commotion means: DISORDER, CONFUSION, TUMULT, all three of them are acts and effects of TERRORISM.
Peace cannot be found because of who man is; a rebel against His Creator, God Almighty. The age of conflict has started with Adam and Eve disobeying God and the final culmination of this age is not until Jesus Christ comes back to this Earth. Until he returns, the conflicts will become worse and worse. Men has chosen to rebel against God and as such, they experience the sword instead of peace just as Jesus predicted in Matthew 10.