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hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"Trumpet" Tagged Sermons

He Will Reign Forever

It is important that we understand the spiritual battle in the heavenly places that is going on here and how Satan will fight to the bitter end. Yet, as foretold by the prophets of old, God the Father will give everything to His Son Jesus Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. There is no alternative. The great day is at hand.
In other words, signs and wonders do not make the gospel believable. When Jesus walked on this earth, He performed many incredible miracles and gave them many signs, yet these same people who saw those miracles and heard him preach God’s wisdom rejected Him and killed Him.
When these two witnesses preach and perform signs and wonders, the people will listen but also reject their message. Instead of embracing the truth, they will kill those two witnesses and rejoice over their death.

Release The Four Angels

Remember, when this trumpet judgment occurs, the time for mercy will have passed; that’s the reason John sees the altar of mercy that has now turned into the altar of judgment. In other words, the complete rejection of God’s offer of salvation will now bring forth the final judgment of sin.People always say, the God of the Bible will never judge anyone. He is loving and merciful, forgiving forever. They forget, that the time of love and mercy will run its course, not because God wants it that way, but because MAN WANTS IT THAT WAY.
This is a picture of those who watched Jesus walking this earth, doing good, performing miracles, feeding thousands by multiplying bread and fish, healing the sick, raising the dead, YET AT THE END THEY ALL CRIED WITH ONE VOICE, CRUCIFY HIM. They have chosen to harden their hearts when they heard the Good news, when the Prophets of Old warned them they laughed, because they have chosen to worship DEMONS. But until that day, we are to proclaim the truth that the same God who will judge this world one day, is the same God that still extends mercy and grace to all humanity so that we might snatch them out of the fire.

Who Is Riding This White Horse?

If we want to understand what God is about to do on this earth, then we must be willing to read and study what He says, not what people say.
• There are seven seals, the 7th seal contains 7 trumpet judgments.
• There are seven trumpets, the 7th trumpet contains 7 bowl judgment.
The rider has a bow, but no arrow. In other words, his conquering will involve bloodless victories. He will not conquer by military force, but instead he will conquer the people with a peace agreement. His conquest will be a cold war victory. The key word here is through deception.
The Spirit of Antichrist is working in those who once professed to be followers of Jesus Christ, professing Christians, but they have never been saved. The antichrist, the man who will deceive the whole world, will come out of the professing Christian world. He will be a Gentile, and he will be of Roman Origin.

A Glimpse of Heaven

In his second vision, John saw the THRONE OF GOD and was invited to watch the activities that are going on in this environment. Needless to say, John is in awe. This 4th chapter is the beginning of the glory that has been promised to the saints. This chapter moves past the Church Age. Everything revealed in this chapter and beyond is FUTURE PROPHECY. It is a picture of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, REDEEMDING TO EARTH. And as we know, Redemption is always a JUDICIAL BUSINESS incorporating CLEANSING, JUDGMENT AND THE RENEWING AND PERFECTING OF THAT WHICH SIN HAS CORRUPTED.