COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"testimony" Tagged Sermons


When Jesus Christ came the first time to this earth, abused by men, even to the point of permitting His creatures to spit upon Him and eventually crucify Him. The first time He came to fulfill the prophecies of a Savior. This time, the second time, He comes to fulfill the prophecies of a Warrior, Judge, and King of Kings. He will come in great power and glory.
The second coming of Jesus Christ is the culmination of redemptive history.
Listen, if Jesus Christ would not return to this earth as the promised King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit would be guilty of making false promises, which, of course, is impossible.
The Word of God promises that Jesus will return to judge all the nations.
The Word of God promises that Jesus will return to display His glory.
The Word of God promises that Jesus is the rightful Heir to earth’s throne.
The Lamb of God has become the conquering King. He will return as the king of kings and Lord of Lords.
As we studied the book of Revelation together for over a whole year, I have constantly reminded you that this last book is not primarily about predictions of the future, but the revelation of Jesus Christ. Any prophecy found in the Bible receives its value and meaning from its relation to Jesus Christ. The first prophetic utterance of God is found in Genesis 3:15. It points towards Jesus Christ. And ever since, the heart of prophecy has and always will be directed to the person of Jesus Christ. That’s the whole purpose of prophecy. What is prophecy? What is revelation? What is the spirit of prophecy?
It is a making known of the divine will, and the divine will is that men humble themselves and receive God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Why do I want to remind you of this important truth? Because way too many Christians only want to study the sections of Scripture that speaks about love and grace and forgiveness.
When Jesus Christ returns to this earth, all people, great or small, will have to embrace the reality of God’s holiness, righteousness, and glory. He will come as the righteous judge, the mighty warrior, the creator and ruler of this universe. They will find out that the return of the King will mean all ends to wickedness, falsehood, deception and every other evil thing man invented during His absence from earth.
The return of the King will be the introduction to the grand climax of the ages.
Why do all the tribes, all the nations, mourn; because they have not prepared themselves for that day? The chance to repent is gone. The chance to accept Jesus as their Savior is gone. The chance to be saved from the judgment of God is gone. They heard the gospel preached to them. They watched as God destroyed religious Babylon, they witnessed how God destroyed the political and economic Babylon. Yet their hardened hearts did not repent. Now Christ comes to execute judgment on the entire world and everything that lives in it.
This world has known wars since it rejected God and His Son. All wars, no matter how we want to justify them, are unrighteous wars. When the King returns to this earth, He will fight the first righteous war.
“His eyes were like a flame of fire….”
This symbolizes that He will judge according to truth.
The best judge on earth cannot know all the facts of a given situation because he is limited by human frailty. Jesus knows the end from the beginning. He will judge with righteousness. His all seeing eye will reveal all truth about every individual and nation.
Notice that the armies of heaven have no weapons with them. Their robes are white and clean. The reason; no member of the armies of Christ that come with Him in His glorious appearing will do battle. Not one of us will lift a finger. This final battle will be consummated by the SPOKEN WORD OF OUR LORD HIMSELF.
The word of God comes from the GREEK word LOGOS. It means “THE EXPRESSION OF GOD”.
In other words, Jesus Christ, the eternal word of God, REVEALS GOD TO MEN. He is the expression of God. If you want to know God, the only thing you need to do is study everything about His Son, Jesus Christ, for He reveals God to you. He is the expression of God. He is also the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When He returns to this earth, all creation will know the EXPRESSION OF GOD. Righteous, holy, glorious in power and majesty.

The Two Witnesses

Knowledge of things to come should give all of us a burden for people around us. We cannot stop with the sweet knowledge and forget to warn the people around us and show them the way of escape. This is one of the reasons why I personally love the prophetic Scripture. It is wonderful to see the Revelation of Jesus Christ in all His glory, and yet, at the same time it will give you a burden for the lost like nothing else will.
The two witnesses are referred to as olive threes due to the fruit they bear during the time of their witness. It’s a slow growing tree which reaches a great age and bears fruit until it dies. Before dying, however, new branches sprout from its roots. Likewise, the two witnesses are to be killed. Thus, the olive tree typifies the death of the witnesses and the results of their witnessing; that is, they sprout new converts. The olive tree fruit was harvested by beating the branches of the tree with a stick or by shaking the tree.
Enoch is a picture of the Rapture of the church. Those who WALK WITH GOD will go, and those who walk according to the world will stay where they love to be and live. We, as witnesses of Christ today must WALK WITH GOD LIKE ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD AND ONE DAY, THE LORD WILL TAKE US HOME.