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"Hades" Tagged Sermons

Demons On The Loose

The first 4 trumpets set the stage for a demonic invasion upon this earth. When the 5th trumpet blows, the effects are being announced by the angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!
In the English translations of the Bible, we normally find the word Hell as the place of eternal torment. However, in the Hebrew text, which is the Old Testament and the Greek text, which is the New Testament, there are different words used.
While the locusts (demons) were literal, the pit is literal, the fire is literal and the torture is literal. How these demons do their work, we don’t know, but we do know that John observed a war-like, attacking creature. These creatures will bring a fear much greater then the sting of death, for men will desire to die but cannot.

Who Is Worthy To Open The Book?

Adam did not loose ownership of the Earth, for it was never his to loose. He did however lose access to the Garden, and he lost THE DOMINION ENTRUSTED TO HIM. Adam’s sin of disobedience not only severed man’s fellowship with God, it was a surrendering of Earth dominion as well. The first problem severed fellowship with God but it can be restored by personally accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Luke 4:6-7 says: Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, all authority (dominion) I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Who handed that dominion over to the devil? Adam. Jesus did not dispute this saying. My question is this: Since Satan still has dominion over this earth today, when people claim to have such dominion today, WHO GAVE THEM THIS DOMINION? The one who has it, which is Satan.
Jesus is the kinsman redeemer in that He came as a man (God became flesh) lived as man (John 1:14) and dies as a man (Romans 5:15. He was fully man and fully God. The only one worthy to open the title deed.

I Have The Keys

Remember, a key is to lock or unlock something. Jesus has the key to lock or unlock Hades, which is the GREEK word for HELL. This is a physical place located within the Earth’s core. Jesus used that key after His crucifixion and before He rose from the dead. It is Jesus who led THOSE CAPTIVE IN PARADISE TO CAPTIVITY IN HEAVEN, under the throne of God. No wonder Paul is saying to the Ephesians: HE LEAD CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE.

He Died In Faith

For Abraham to loose his wife was a very painful experience. Abraham was a man of faith and certainly his tears did not indicate any unbelief.
Abraham knew that Sarah was now in the Lord’s care. He had to say goodbye, but he did not loose Sarah.
“When you know where something is, you haven’t lost it.”
Too many people when they reach old age cannot experience what Abraham did. They live without faith and eventually cannot die IN FAITH.
“When they look back, it is with regret; When they look ahead, it is with fear; When they look around, it is with complaint!”
For us who trusted Christ, old age should be a time of rich experience in the Lord and a wonderful opportunity to share Jesus with the next generation.