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hands that are skilled to the task.

"Earth" Tagged Sermons

The Final Judgments

The judgments of God on this entire earth are wrapped up in 7 seals, followed by 7 trumpets and finally followed by 7 bowls. If you carefully read those passages you can find out that the 7th seal contains the 7 trumpets and the 7th trumpet contains the 7 bowls. This simply means that there is a very specific sequence to these judgments. First the seals; then the trumpets and finally the bowls. The seals are being broken by THE LAMB. The seven seals are opened by the Lord Himself, the 7 trumpets are blown by angelic beings, and the seven bowls are being poured upon the earth by seven angelic beings as well. In other words, the Lord uses His angelic beings to execute judgments upon this earth. We will find out later why this is so important.
Four very important purposes that will be fulfilled during the final judgments upon this earth.
1. The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15; John 16:7-11)
2. The nations and its rulers will find out who truly OWNS THE NATIONS AND TO WHOM THIS EARTH REALLY BELONGS. (Revelation 11:18a; Psalm 2)
3. All the dead people will be judged. That is all the spiritually dead people, those who have rejected the offer of salvation. (Revelation 11:18b; Daniel 7:9-10)
4. All the Servants, Prophets and Saints and those who fear God’s name will receive their promised rewards. (Revelation 11:18c; Revelation 22:12)
God’s judgments will always reveal the human heart; FULL OF REBELLION AGAINST THE CREATOR HIMSELF. This all started in the Garden of Eden long ago when our parents believed the lie that they could through knowledge of good and evil become God themselves. That was Satan’s promise to them. The human being has been in rebellion against God ever since. God’s very own and special creation claimed Godhood. When God Himself eventually brings that rebellion to judgment, every human being will find out that rebellion has its price.
These bowl judgments will crush man’s rebellion and remove the rebellious from this earth. The final completion of this purpose will be accomplished when Jesus Christ returns with His armies to this earth.
Who is the recipient of this first bowl judgment? All those who had received the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image. We can find out from another text found in this book that a very small fraction of the world population will actually resist the beast and will refuse to take his mark.
Good news, the only ones who do not have to worry about this judgment are the ones who found refuge in the lord Jesus Christ. They have refused to take the mark of the beast and have refused to worship him.
Jesus has taken the judgments for their rebellion against God upon himself, came to this earth, lived on this earth a perfect, sinless life, was falsely accused, rejected, condemned and eventually crucified in our place. And the proof of his work on our behalf came 3 days after his crucifixion. 3 days after his burial, he rose again, because death could not hold him, there was no legal claim against him and those who trust in him. Hallelujah.

Let My People GO

Last year we have studied the book of Revelation all the way up to the 16th chapter. So I will not repeat what I have shared with you then. However, to fully understand the 16th chapter before us, we need to read it in context of the previous chapter.
The question must be asked: WHY DOES GOD HIMSELF LET ALL THIS TROUBLE COME UPON THIS WORLD? What’s the purpose of all this? The Answer: Let My People Go. In other words, God’s judgment will always fall on those who tried to destroy everything God has created, especially His crown creation: THE HUMAN BEING made in God’s image.
He will come unexpectedly! The vast majority of people will still be eating and drinking, focusing on their everyday lives, unaware of the dangerous times they’re living in. Just as the people in Noah’s day, they will be ignoring the warning messages and rejecting God’s righteous ways Noah, the prophet of God, was very likely mocked and ridiculed for preaching “righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5). The Bible reveals that in the end time, prior to Christ’s return, people will also ignore warnings to repent. As Peter notes, “Scoffers will come in the last days, … saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” (2 Peter 3:3-4).
Noah preached for 120 years while he built the arch. Eventually only 8 people made it into the arch. THOSE WHO WERE IN THE ARCH WERE SAVED FROM THE WRATH OF GOD. This was not Noah’s idea. It was God’s master plan to destroy wickedness on this earth and to start over again. “I will destroy them with the earth”.
Egypt was the Empire that ruled the known world at this time. Egypt called the shots in this world. Without understanding what God did with Egypt, you will not understand the bowl judgments, the last 7 judgments that will come upon this whole earth, known as the wrath or judgments of God.
Like Egypt enslaved God’s covenant people, so has every world empire enslaved God’s people. The last Empire on God’s calendar was and is the Roman Empire. While today, this empire is fractured, it will COME BACK TO FULL POWER under ONE MIGHTY RULER, THE ANTICHRIST. By the time the bowl judgments will come upon this earth this REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE WILL BE IN FULL CONTROL OF ALL HUMANITY.
And Pharaoh said, “WHO IS THE LORD, THAT I SHOULD OBEY HIS VOICE TO LET ISRAEL GO? I DO NOT KNOW THE LORD, NOR WILL I LET ISRAEL GO.” Wrong thing to say to God Almighty who made the heavens and the earth and who is the owner of His own creation. But the rulers of this world have not learned anything yet. The final ruler of this world, before Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom here, will act exactly the same way. Look at the plagues God brought upon this nation Egypt. Four of the seven judgments of Revelation are copies of the plagues Egypt had to endure. They were literal plagues in Egypt and they will be literal judgments when God will pour his wrath upon this world.
LET MY PEOPLE GO. The final judgment upon this earth is carried out by God to set His people free, to set his entire creation free.
The first time he did use WATER.
The next time he will use FIRE.

A Glimpse of Hope

There are times when troubles just seem to pile up. It is during those times that we need some relief. We need to know that everything will turn out all right. In other words, no matter how spiritual, how mature, how long we have been saved, we need ASSURANCE that a brighter day is coming.
When we hear what is going on in our world right now, we can easily be overwhelmed by all the bad news that which are relentlessly coming our way every day. It is during those days that IT IS VERY EASY TO LOSE THE SIGHT OF THE PROMISES OF VICTORY GOD HAS GIVEN US AND ASSURED US IN HIS BOOK, THE BIBLE.
Throughout the book of Revelation, John heard many voices, voices from individual angels, voices from the four living creatures, the voices from the 24 elders before the throne of God, the voices of the innumerable angelic beings, the voices of the 7 angels who hold the seven trumpets. Now finally, here in chapter 14, John hears the voice of Jesus once again. A glimpse of hope.

Satan’s Temporary Victories

We all know that God could speak the word and His victory be immediately accomplished; however mankind must be considered or else the cross of Jesus Christ would be in vain.
During this battle between Satan and his army and God and his army, Satan will experience temporary victories. This is the case because Satan as the master deceiver will succeed in his craft to deceive the whole world.
During the tribulation period, which will last according to Daniel, precisely 7 years, divided into two 3 ½ years period, Satan will also experience temporary victories because he will once again succeed in deceiving the WHOLE WORLD.
If Satan wants to counterfeit that relationship between Father and Son, he will have to live in a man, known as the antichrist, and empower this individual with his own power. So what the antichrist will do, in reality, IS SATAN’S DOING. When the world sees the antichrist, they actually see SATAN. No wonder they all worship the beast. They all worship Satan. He knows that he has just 3 ½ years on this earth, his 4th dwelling place, and then it’s over. He will experience his final victory, setting up his kingdom on this earth, delivering first PEACE, LIBERTY, AND PROSPERITY, like the people on this earth never experienced before. But it will be a false peace, a false liberty, and a false prosperity. His victory will be short lived.
Because of Satan’s confinement, man, under the ruler ship of Jesus the Messiah, finally will achieve his goal, which was to exercise authority over the earth. Finally, man will fulfill his calling given him when God created him and put him in the Garden of Eden.

When God Makes The Announcement

The four blood moons are a big hit these days, books have been written, documentaries have been created, and the internet is full of warnings about the four blood moons.
The problem I see with all this is that the data used to justify their prophecies have been badly manipulated. You can do the research for yourself on all this. There is plenty of info available if you want to know the truth.
According to Joel 2:31, it is not until after the opening of the 7th seal,
that the wrath of the Lamb actually begins. The world will be fully aware that the time for God’s judgment has arrived. Why then does God himself make the announcement? Why not just start with the final judgment?
Sun and moon will not give up their lights. This MEGA Earthquake will cause volcanic eruptions around the world. Tsunami waves will do their coastal carnage as well. The dark smoke clouds from the volcanic eruptions will quickly travel with the jet stream around the globe to bring this prophesied darkness upon the world. But that’s not all.
How often God pleads for man to repent and man tries to hide!!!!
There is no place to hide from God Almighty. Eventually, we all have to stand before the Creator of the Universe and give account. How good it is to know that Jesus has redeemed us from the wrath of God.

Who Is Worthy To Open The Book?

Adam did not loose ownership of the Earth, for it was never his to loose. He did however lose access to the Garden, and he lost THE DOMINION ENTRUSTED TO HIM. Adam’s sin of disobedience not only severed man’s fellowship with God, it was a surrendering of Earth dominion as well. The first problem severed fellowship with God but it can be restored by personally accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Luke 4:6-7 says: Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, all authority (dominion) I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Who handed that dominion over to the devil? Adam. Jesus did not dispute this saying. My question is this: Since Satan still has dominion over this earth today, when people claim to have such dominion today, WHO GAVE THEM THIS DOMINION? The one who has it, which is Satan.
Jesus is the kinsman redeemer in that He came as a man (God became flesh) lived as man (John 1:14) and dies as a man (Romans 5:15. He was fully man and fully God. The only one worthy to open the title deed.

He Came To Earth

What we do know with absolute certainty is the well documented historical and biblical fact that Jesus Christ was born. God came to earth. By doing so, he fulfilled many Old Testament prophetic Scriptures which where uttered hundreds if not thousands of years earlier.
As birds were made for the air and fish were made for the water, so man was made for this planet Earth and he is not at home anywhere else. Micah prophesies the exact place where salvation began, where the Bread of Life was born and where the fruits of salvation started. That’s why Jesus came to Earth. That’s what Christmas is all about, Jesus coming to earth to save sinners.