COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

Walking With God

What Time Is It?

So what time is it?
THE ANSWER: Time to make the very most of the time. Do not waste your time. It is time to walk with a purpose and a clear vision. If you have a vision, a purpose, a goal, to redeem the time, to make your time on earth count, you will have to follow the cause of your vision.
“As God’s people, we’re the ones who ought to be having the time of our lives! But it’s been my observation that far too many Christians look like they’ve been baptized in lemon juice!”
Chuck Swindoll

What Do You Long For?

What about those who call themselves followers of Jesus, people who have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and who want to follow the Lord wherever he goes, what is their deepest desire?
Of all the people who received an inheritance in the Promised Land, Caleb was the only one to completely drive out the enemy. And remember, it was Caleb who faced some of the most formidable enemies in the entire land. GIANTS WHERE LIVING THERE. Caleb had the longing to live where God promised him he would live one day. His longing was stronger than his physical limitations. Caleb longed to have fellowship and communion with God and God’s people. Caleb never longed for the approval of man, but he longed for the approval of God. He was not afraid of what the consequences would be if he longed for God’s approval and therefore would lose most friendships.

Revelation of His Treasures

When we walk with God like the prophet Jeremiah did, we can expect God to answer when we call upon Him. His treasures which are made available to His children are many times not in our reach, because we do not CALL ON THE LORD WHO WILL ANSWER.
“I don’t need another book on prayer. I know enough about prayer. I simply must take time to pray. We will never FIND TIME, we must TAKE TIME. Lorne Sanny
Listen, if you are equal, humanly speaking, to your responsibility, you don’t need God.

Walking With God

The question is: Was this walk with God the exclusive privilege of a few super saints? Did God pre ordain who can walk with him and who cannot walk with him? Could it be that many people who call themselves Christians cannot walk with God, because they have never been born into God’s family by the Holy Spirit? And so it is with those who believe by having put their faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of counting on their religious self-effort.
What assurance do I have that I am a child of God?
“The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field.” Vince Lombardi
There is no such thing as a secular job or sacred job. 7 days a week we are all responsible to glorify God by OBEDIENCE TO HIM. That’s walking with God.