COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.


Matthew 28:18-20
Genesis 11:4
Isaiah 6:1-10

Matthew 13:10-16
Romans 8:18-28
Hebrews 12:25-29
The world will NOT come to an end, EVER
Patrick Wood in his book “Technocracy – The Hard Road to World Order”
“Someone is bound to rebut the thought that the UN will manage all global resources. Such a person is missing the strategy.
Let’s say you own a property in the city or county that has adopted the UN’s programs of Agenda 21, Smart Growth, Green Economy, etc. You will soon find yourself ensnared in a web of green regulations demanding that you manage your property according to their rules and guidelines. If you refuse, you will be fined, taxed, denied other rights and generally oppressed until you knuckle under and obey!
While your name may be on the property title, your rights have been stripped and you have been forced to bow to UN-prescribed management practices. The point is, ownership and control of property are separate items.”
What we are facing right now – a worldwide coordination of population control, economic lockdowns, and rioting and destroying private property especially in Urban areas around the world is directly linked to what keen observers describe as THE UN’s PLANETARY TROIKA.
They all work together to bring his utopia about:
• UN Sustainable Development Summit held in New York on September 25-27, 2015 that produced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
• UN Climate Change Conference held in Paris on November 30 through December 12, 2015, that produced the Paris Agreement On Climate Change.
• Habitat III held in Quito, Ecuador on October 17-20, 2016 that produced the NEW URBAN AGENDA
If we consider these 3 major UN events as a whole, a clear picture emerges:
• The 2030 Agenda sets the overall goals and framework of Sustainable Development.
• The Paris Agreement provides the rationale for achieving the goals.
• The New Urban Agenda provides the action plan and specifics to implement it in every community on earth.
What does that all mean?
“We recognize that social and economic development depends on the sustainable management of our planet’s natural resources. We are therefore determined to conserve and sustainably use oceans and seas, freshwater resources, as well as forests, mountains and drylands and to protect biodiversity, ecosystems and wildlife.”
Sustainable Development Platform,
Consider carefully what they just said: These people are determined to control100 % of the surface of the earth – period! (Agenda 2030)
The 12 pages of the Paris Agreement contain 29 Articles. Let’s just look at two of them:
• Redirect financial funding away from dirty fossil fuels and towards clean forms of development.
• Ensure that all actions align with Paris and the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
In the New Urban Agenda – Habitat III
• Urban spatial planning – this term means urban planning by especially focusing on land use, transport, and environmental planning. In particular, it focuses on influencing or manipulating
the distribution of people within the community. The European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter states:
“Regional/spatial planning gives geographical expression to the economic, social, cultural and ecological policies of society.”
In other words, while traditional planning was mostly an architectural practice, spatial planning has its roots in scientific discipline and is closely correlated with Technocracy.
• Geospatial information system. Stationary features of traditional geography are insufficient for urban spatial planning. People and vehicle move about, and so their “geography” is changed from minute to minute. Geospatial information systems track the movement of people and things, and to the extent possible, the identity of the things being tracked. This is the main driver for the massive use of sensors in smart cities that track everything in real time, including people.
• Science and Technology. The UN uses an acronym, STI which stands for Science, Technology and Innovation, and it is actually the only hope that Sustainable Development will ever work.
In paragraph 159 we read:
“We will support the role and enhanced capacity of national, subnational and local governments in data collection, mapping, analysis and dissemination and in promoting evidence-based governance, building on a shared knowledge base using both globally comparable as well as locally generated data, including through censuses, household surveys, population registers, community-based monitoring processes and other relevant sources, disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national, subnational and local contexts.”
Interestingly, today the want to be rulers of this world also are trying to build what they call SMART CITIES, where everyone is connected to everyone.
The tower mentioned in Genesis 11 Michael Heiser has this to say:
“The tower of Babel is regarded by all scholars as one of Mesopotamia’s famous man-made sacred mountains – a ziggurat. Ziggurats were divine abodes, places where Mesopotamians believed heaven and earth intersected. The nature of this structure makes evident the purpose of the building it – to bring the divine down to earth.
The Biblical writer wastes no time in linking this act to the earlier divine transgression of Genesis 6:1-4. That passage sought to portray the giant quasi-divine Babylonian culture heroes who survived the flood as “men of renown” or, more literally, “men of the name (shem)”. Those who built the tower of Babel wanted to do so to “make a new (shem) for themselves. The building of the tower of Babel meant perpetuating Babylonian religious knowledge and substituting the rule of Babel’s gods for rule by Yahweh.” Dr. Michael Heiser “The Unseen Realm” pg 114-115)
Romans 8:18-28
Paul is telling us here about: