COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

Sermons on Biblical Interpretation (Page 13)

Ears To Hear

The seven churches were chosen for their particular traits which apply to all of Christendom. Which means that these seven churches were not only literal, but also representative. The things I am teaching you from the book of Revelation will make no sense at all unless you are born again. If you are in church all your life, but have never surrendered your life wholly to the Lord, all you will hear is WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR, but you are not able to HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAYS TO THE CHURCHES, because you have no spiritual ears. No wonder so many people have really no clue what this book is all about and what glorious news it reveals to those who have ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

I Have The Keys

Remember, a key is to lock or unlock something. Jesus has the key to lock or unlock Hades, which is the GREEK word for HELL. This is a physical place located within the Earth’s core. Jesus used that key after His crucifixion and before He rose from the dead. It is Jesus who led THOSE CAPTIVE IN PARADISE TO CAPTIVITY IN HEAVEN, under the throne of God. No wonder Paul is saying to the Ephesians: HE LEAD CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE.

Do You Understand The World You Live In?

For Judas, truth did not matter at all, money did. He loved money more than he loved Jesus. Judas believed that the world he lived in offered him more than what Jesus had to offer. He did not know nor did he understand the world he was living in. That’s not an excuse for his action, it is simply an honest evaluation of what influenced this man when making life-decision. The world we live in evaluates life-styles not based upon if it’s true or false, but rather by asking IS IT FAIR? How do you live? The World we live in has replaced Truth with fairness. The World we live in has replaced Truth with mysticism. Jesus prayed for unity among his true followers. Not between his followers and those who have replaced truth with fairness or truth with mysticism.