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"John Calvin" Tagged Sermons

The Day of The Lord

Last week during my sermon I mentioned briefly that God Almighty is in the remodeling business and that the earth will not be entirely burned up as is commonly taught in churches here in America. I am familiar with many of these teachings and yet, the more I study the Bible in its contextual format as well as studying the meaning of the original language, I have found way too many verses in the Bible that challenge such teachings.
The context of 2 Peter chapter 2 deals with the fact that the Word of God is always trustworthy, if we understand and apply the truth that SCRIPTURE MUST BE INTERPRETED WITH SCRIPTURE.
The Day of the Lord, the time when Jesus Christ will come back to this earth, which will be A TIME OF RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. I don’t think Peter is contradicting himself, period. Acts 3:20-21 and 2 Peter 3:10 must be interpreted in the same context.
Listen, it was no accident that Jesus was a carpenter. Carpenters make things and fix things. The Carpenter from Nazareth MADE THE UNIVERSE, and He is going TO FIX IT. God is the ultimate salvage artist. And what He restores will be far better than the ORIGINAL.

Wake Up!

This is the 5th letter to one of the churches in Asia Minor. Church historians believe that the Sardis church represents the church age of the Reformation. The most prominent figures of that time are Martin Luther and John Calvin. However, during this period of church history, smaller groups, mostly rejected and persecuted, were the real Biblical churches walking in fundamental Christianity.
When Jesus said to Sardis that they have a reputation that they are alive, BUT HE SAYS THEY ARE DEAD, He simply states that they have the right creed, the perfect statement of faith, BUT NO HOLY SPIRIT that gives life.
The Holy Spirit is not in charge of the political system of any state or government. He is in charge of the church of Jesus Christ, made up of born again Believers, blood washed sinners who opened the door to their hearts and invited Jesus Christ to be their savior.
Notice in Revelation 3:3b: AND I WILL NOT BLOT OUT HIS NAME FROM THE BOOK OF LIFE; but I will ….
This is not a threat coming from Jesus own lips, but to the contrary, a PROMISE that those who have life, whose names are written in the book of life, are safe and sound. Because they sit in the midst of non believers in the visible church, their names are not removed from the book of life.