COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"Experience" Tagged Sermons

Is Such A Persecution Possible?

It is true that the tribal records were lost when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. But that does not mean that God lost the tribal records. Remember, the 144,000 Jews are not selected by Jewish authorities in Jerusalem or elsewhere. They have been selected BY GOD.
These 144,000 are not the church, nor are they Gentiles. These are Jews from each tribe.
They are being sealed for Protection from God when He judges the world.
We always must remember that God is not through with the nation of Israel. Yes, they failed in their mission to be a witness nation in the O.T., this will not be the case during the great tribulation period. These 144,000 Jews will preach the Gospel under the most severe circumstances and will bring in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever known.
Right now, around the world our brothers and sisters are being persecuted for their faith. In all Muslim countries around the world, persecution is intensifying.
In this country, our Christian liberty is being taken away piece by piece. Before we fully understand what is going on, we will be marginalized, denounced, defamed, and decimated by the professing church.
Persecution will be the tool used by God to sift those who outwardly identify with Jesus. Remember, tares are mingled with the wheat. Jesus is giving us a closer look at this process in Matthew 24:10-13.

When God Makes The Announcement

The four blood moons are a big hit these days, books have been written, documentaries have been created, and the internet is full of warnings about the four blood moons.
The problem I see with all this is that the data used to justify their prophecies have been badly manipulated. You can do the research for yourself on all this. There is plenty of info available if you want to know the truth.
According to Joel 2:31, it is not until after the opening of the 7th seal,
that the wrath of the Lamb actually begins. The world will be fully aware that the time for God’s judgment has arrived. Why then does God himself make the announcement? Why not just start with the final judgment?
Sun and moon will not give up their lights. This MEGA Earthquake will cause volcanic eruptions around the world. Tsunami waves will do their coastal carnage as well. The dark smoke clouds from the volcanic eruptions will quickly travel with the jet stream around the globe to bring this prophesied darkness upon the world. But that’s not all.
How often God pleads for man to repent and man tries to hide!!!!
There is no place to hide from God Almighty. Eventually, we all have to stand before the Creator of the Universe and give account. How good it is to know that Jesus has redeemed us from the wrath of God.

We Have A Higher Calling

Jacob’s sons had a past that needed to be addressed by the Lord because their conscience constantly condemned them for what they had done. And as God’s chosen people, they have to confront this issue head on. Because GODLY CHARACTER IS A PREREQUISITE TO RULERSHIP. God will spare no pain in bringing us back to where we belong. Jacob’s sons are about to enter into God’s recovery program. There is no recovery from guilt and sin without facing them. The fruit of a grapevine is always on the new growth. This is the reason for pruning the vine. Without new growth there is little or no fruit.
God is always reminding his children that they have a higher calling than just making a living down here on earth. He is training them for ruler ship and insecurity is something that needs to be dealt with. Receiving God’s grace always brings us to a position of conviction of our sins. The gift of grace should always bring us to the place of repentance, a place that reminds us of our higher calling. Living for God and bringing Him glory.

Do Not Be A Dimmer-Switch

Studying the attitudes of Joseph and his two fellow prisoners will teach us a great lesson of God’s way of preparing us for ruler ship. Nothing will dim the light of God in and through us faster than murmuring and complaining. The Bible reveals to us that such attitudes will hinder the Holy Spirit to work through us, and without Him we cannot shine the light of God into this dark world. How did Joseph manage not to be a dimmer switch, not to turn the spiritual light down, but to shine brightly in a dark prison, surrounded by complaining people? Joseph was God’s servant who refused to become a dimmer-switch. Spiritual maturity is not something which we receive when we finally give up our selfish life and surrender it to Jesus Christ.
As born again believers, we become candidates for spiritual maturity, but it is God who designs which classes we have to take and what circumstances we have to face. PROBLEMS ARE GOD’S GIFTS TO US TO MAKE US STRONGER. PROBLEMS ARE THE BLESSINGS TO MAKE US MATURE. Your circumstances do not make you the way you are. Negative situations do not make us, they simply reveal who we are. Believing and embracing what God has promised to us will make us loving Him more and through this love He will manifest himself through us to the world.

How Awesome Is This Place

What is striking here is the fact that as Jacob is on the run, he certainly was not seeking God. Jacob is certainly not a candidate for a holy experience of worship! Grace and worship must go together. GOD’S GRACE MUST BE A PART OF TRUE WORSHIP. My friend, true worship must be an experience of God’s Presence. Jacob, overcome with fear, realized that he was at the very house of God, the gate of heaven. What he thought was a dead-end street was actually the gate of heaven, giving him a new purpose to live for God. Jacob the schemer started to acknowledge his need for God. When we worship the Lord, we will experience God’s purpose, which is a transformed life. It may start slowly, but God will do his work until it is done.

True Worship Leads To Surrender

“When the outlook is bleak, try the uplook.” He saw the Lord Jesus Christ because the invisible became visible and the spiritual became real. The HEBREW word SERAPH comes from a root meaning “to burn” suggesting that the seraphim are the guardians of the blazing holiness of God. It is not enough in our worship only to see the Lord, for if we truly see Him as He is, we will also see ourselves as we are. It’s unfortunate that we often minimize the importance of feelings in our experience of worship. We certainly want to avoid shallow emotionalism, but we do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit because we strive to be ‘PROPER’. Real worship, true spiritual worship always leads to surrender, which means that we see the need and volunteer to do the work God wants us to do for Him.

The Lord Will Provide

Faith provided by God does not demand explanations; instead, faith provided by God rests on God’s promises. When we do ask God for explanations, we reveal that we really don’t know ourselves as good as we should, and we certainly do not know God as well as we should. Like Abraham, we have to learn to live by promises, not by explanations. Abraham did not know HOW God would do it, or WHY God would do what He did, or WHEN God would do it, BUT HE BELIEVED GOD that whatever needed to be done, GOD WOULD PROVIDE. There are lessons to be learned, and one of them is that WHEN GOD WANTS TO PROVIDE OUR NEEDS, many times we must face the test alone. IT IS ONLY THEN THAT WE CAN SEE WHAT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER REALLY CAN DO FOR US.

Do You Understand The World You Live In?

For Judas, truth did not matter at all, money did. He loved money more than he loved Jesus. Judas believed that the world he lived in offered him more than what Jesus had to offer. He did not know nor did he understand the world he was living in. That’s not an excuse for his action, it is simply an honest evaluation of what influenced this man when making life-decision. The world we live in evaluates life-styles not based upon if it’s true or false, but rather by asking IS IT FAIR? How do you live? The World we live in has replaced Truth with fairness. The World we live in has replaced Truth with mysticism. Jesus prayed for unity among his true followers. Not between his followers and those who have replaced truth with fairness or truth with mysticism.