COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"earthquake" Tagged Sermons

The Four Trumpets

Remember, the first 4 trumpets will deal with the environment, the ecological system, or what people today call Global warming, now renamed Climate Change. None of the judgments released by these 4 trumpets have anything to do with political, social or economic systems of this world. God will take care of that later on.
There is a time coming when people are more concerned about rain forests, global warming, endangered species, spotted owls, whales, condors, and trees, than they are about people and their spiritual and physical wellbeing. People worship “mother nature” which is idolatry.
While it is true that man has failed in his responsibility to properly care for God’s creation, trying to compensate for this failure by starting to worship the creation instead of the creator is utter nonsense.
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth… This is a descriptive term used for those who have repeatedly rejected the offer of Salvation, who will not repent even though they know without a thought that the things they have witnessed up to this point is directly linked to God’s final judgment of mankind before He sets up His kingdom on this earth.

Revelation of His Treasures

When we walk with God like the prophet Jeremiah did, we can expect God to answer when we call upon Him. His treasures which are made available to His children are many times not in our reach, because we do not CALL ON THE LORD WHO WILL ANSWER.
“I don’t need another book on prayer. I know enough about prayer. I simply must take time to pray. We will never FIND TIME, we must TAKE TIME. Lorne Sanny
Listen, if you are equal, humanly speaking, to your responsibility, you don’t need God.