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hands that are skilled to the task.

"confusion" Tagged Sermons

A Look Behind The Curtain

Most commentators on this chapter focus on what they believe will be happening in the not too distant future for everyone to see. In other words, the curtain is lifted and the show begins for everyone to enjoy. I believe that there is much more to this 17th chapter than the eye meets. We need to take a look behind the curtain. It is there where the actors are very busy making themselves ready for the next set, but the audience cannot see them until the curtain is lifted.
You’ve already learned that “Babylon” means “confusion, rebellion, or “the gate of God”. When Nimrod, the mighty hunter, was building the tower of Babel, God eventually confused their language. That’s the background info for the meaning CONFUSION, REBELLION. The other meaning” the gate of God” suggests SELF-REDEMPTION. All these spiritual conditions are still with us: Confusion, rebellion and self-redemption. They will climax at the end of the age, just prior to Jesus return to this earth.
The Mystery Babylon in chapter 17 represents the spirit of Babylon, rebellion against God and His Word and replaced in the minds of the inhabitants of this world with Self Redemption. So, who is this drunken woman, this “Mystery Babylon” which drank the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and continues to commit spiritual fornication with the political power structure of the world?
I know, most commentators point towards the Roman Catholic Church because she is the only entity in the entire world that is simultaneously a religious and a spiritual power. However, such a conclusion has its own problems when we examine every word in this chapter carefully.
We must remember that we live in a world right now where a global financial system that ignores sovereign borders is already in place. We also watch right now how a one-world religion is in the formative stages. The stage is set, while the actors are still behind the curtain. The day will come when the curtain is being lifted and the whole world will be a part of the final show.
Mystery Babylon will simply finalize the work Nimrod and after him the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar have established.
The book of Daniel is read way too often in Sunday Schools only. The kids love the stories about the 3 Hebrew youth who refused to worship a false god and had to endure the fire. When Daniel refused to worship a false God, he was thrown into the lion’s den. The fire, which stands for judgment, could not consume them, and the Lion, which symbolizes our enemy, who like a lion is stalking us daily, seeking whom he may devour. GOD DELIVERED THEM ALL. And so will our Lord do again when the final stage is set, the command given, that all inhabitants of the earth must bow down and worship the false god. The Lord will deliver His people just as he did the 3 Hebrew youth and Daniel.
The king of this holy nation is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The inhabitants of this Holy Nation do not get drunk with the wine of her fornication, but ARE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.
She made the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wine of her fornication. Notice, this type of drunkenness is not due to wine but the due to the wine of her fornication. This is not too difficult to interpret. Fornication is translated from the Greek word “PORNEIA”. It means two people, or two entities get together to have sexual intercourse, or to become one. Within the context of the message here, it simply means that religion got involved with politics, and politics with religion. Notice that all the people for the earth, all governments of the earth, and rulers of this world have the same goal: they are all made drunk, they are all intoxicated with this fornication.
Being made drunk makes you incapable of good judgment. In other words, you cannot see the consequences coming your way until it is too late.
Mystery Babylon and those who are a part of it have their eyes fixes on their successes, so much so the Bible describes them as acting like drunkards.
The counterfeit spirits of Satan and the counterfeit power of Satan is carrying the women, the harlot, the world system of religion and politics.
WE need to have our spiritual eyes opened to the spiritual reality of this diabolic deception. While most people focus their eyes on the things of this earth, the born again believer should have his or her eyes on the spiritual truth revealed to us in the Bible by the Holy Spirit.

BABYLON – The Symbol of Rebellion

The 7th and final bowl judgment is first mentioned here as a summary, the final judgment upon this earth before Jesus returns to set up His kingdom right here, head quartered in Jerusalem.
Before we get into the details of this text, I need to unpack for you a few details that pertain to this particular subject called “Babylon”
1. There are two distinct Babylon’s mentioned in Revelation. The first one is called “Mystery Babylon” and the description is found in the 17th chapter of Revelation. It deals with a spiritual entity. A counterfeit of the true spiritual worship.
2. The Second one is revealed in the next chapter, which is the 18th chapter of Revelation, and this one represents a Commercial Babylon, a counterfeit to the true riches found in Christ Jesus alone.
Notice the name written on the forehead of a WOMEN:
“Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.” It’s a mystery. It’s a hidden truth. The Bible is full of examples how God at the proper time reveals mysteries to His people. We call it progressive revelation. To the prophet Daniel, who by the way was living in Babylon when God sent His people into captivity because of rebellion against His law, God revealed many mysteries. Yet, God did not unpack every mystery to Daniel.
In other words, these words, these prophecies will be unsealed at some specific time, the time of the end, which always refers to the time when the Lord will judge the nations and set up His kingdom on this earth. Daniel did understand many things, but not all things. The Apostle John did understand many things, but the Lord did not unseal everything.
In other words, John saw everything, but he could not understand everything. Then an angel said to him: why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the women and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. John must have gotten excited to hear those words. The angel will explain everything to me. But not so; The angel simply says: I WILL TELL YOU THE MYSTERY OF THE WOMEN AND OF THE BEAST AND OF THE SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS. Again, the angel goes on to tell the mystery, but as you can see, the mystery deepens with every word the angel says. We will unpack those words next week. For now, let’s go all the way back in the Bible, where the word Babylon is mentioned and see if we can connect the dots.
How did it all start? In heaven it started with Lucifer aka Satan. The conspirator is Satan himself. Why is Satan doing this? What’s his purpose? What is his goal?
There is an earthly conspiracy underway. The goal is to enthrone the Antichrist, the “child of the devil” as God of the earth. The spiritual conspiracy is that Satan wishes to enthrone himself above God in heaven. Satan wants to be the supreme ruler in the heavenlies, while the imitator of Christ wants to be enthroned on the earth as the supreme ruler. This conspiracy is called “THE PLAN” by those who are following the new age movement. The secret societies refer to it as ‘THE MYSTERY’. And the Bible calls it: Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
Did you notice the phrase: AND THE BEGINNING OF HIS KINGDOM was Babel. A kingdom has a king, the first king on this earth was Nimrod.
The name Nimrod means: “rebellious, revolt, indignation or disgraceful”.
The word Babel or Babylon means: “confusion”.
In other words Nimrod (rebellion against God) is the founder of Babylon (confusion).
I want you to know that today, when we hear Babylon or the name of Nimrod, most people think that this man was of little intelligence, probably clumsy, and a red-neck at best. The only thing this man had going for him and his people is that he knew how to hunt game.
But that’s not the true picture. Nimrod was a mighty leader, the founder of the first great empire of post-flood civilization – the kingdom of Babylon.
In order to understand what is revealed in this 10th chapter of Genesis, we need to back up a little bit. The flood of Noah devastated the world Noah once lived in. After the waters receded, and Noah and his family left the Ark, God commanded the survivors to “Be fruitful and multiply, and FILL THE EARTH.” (Genesis 9:1) God repeated the same command in verse 7.How the reacted to this command is eye-opening. Nearly 200 years after the flood, the descendants of Noah began to multiply in great numbers. Noah’s close descendants became the patriarchs of a great number of families, who, eventually, had developed into nations. This disbursement would set the stage for the eventual Babylonian Empire, and the Babylonian Religion.
Noah’s grandson Cush was one of these early patriarchs; the one who became the leader of many. He decided not to follow God’s commandment to “fill the earth”, but instead, he wanted to bring all of the people together. It was Cush who started to unite everyone into one huge nation. With that, he started the unification movement and the center of it all was THE TOWER OF BABEL. We do not find much information about Cush or Nimrod or the Tower of Babel in the Bible. Genesis 10:8 simply states how it all began. However we can learn many details from other ancient texts that Cush and Nimrod would become legendary throughout the secular/religious world.

Here Comes The Red Horse

It is good to read about the appearance of all 4 horses, because they will ride out in sequence and will produce the devastating result of killing ¼ of the entire world population, that about 1.7 billion people in today’s numbers.
Jesus clearly states that he never came to BRING PEACE ON EARTH. He penetrated the kingdom of darkness when he came to this earth. PEACE BELONGS ONLY TO THOSE WHO CONFESS HIM BEFORE MEN, because those are the ones where the PRINCE OF PEACE RULES.
The GREEK word translated commotion means: DISORDER, CONFUSION, TUMULT, all three of them are acts and effects of TERRORISM.
Peace cannot be found because of who man is; a rebel against His Creator, God Almighty. The age of conflict has started with Adam and Eve disobeying God and the final culmination of this age is not until Jesus Christ comes back to this Earth. Until he returns, the conflicts will become worse and worse. Men has chosen to rebel against God and as such, they experience the sword instead of peace just as Jesus predicted in Matthew 10.