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"Ark of the Covenant" Tagged Sermons

God’s Glory – Part 2

No one will be able to enter the temple of God UNTIL THE 7 PLAGUES of the seven angels are completed. That is, at the end of the 7 year tribulation period.
We traced the appearance of God’s glory from the Garden of Eden, through Moses’ life and eventually ended up in the wilderness Tabernacle where God’s glory was manifested among the Hebrews.
Now, we pick up from there and jump to the Joshua and Judges period in the Old Testament.
After Joshua’s time came the period of Judges of which Samuel was the last ruling judge of Israel. It was Samuel that was chosen by God to eventually anoint the first King of Israel. And it was Samuel that anointed King David, the man after God’s own heart.
Just as the first King of Israel was chosen by the people, and eventually rejected by God, so will be the first world ruler, the antichrist, chosen by the people, but rejected by God. It will be the second world ruler, the man after God’s own heart, that will be God’s chosen one.
However, just as Moses prayed earlier that the visible manifestation of God’s glory would dwell in the tabernacle forever, so did Solomon here pray to God that the visible manifestation of His Shechinah Glory would dwell in the temple forever.
But God would not answer the prayer of Moses and Solomon at their time.
What happened to the glory of God? Today, people get all excited about the arch of the covenant, asking the question: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ARK OF THE COVENANT? Well, that piece of furniture is just that. The real question should be. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHECHINAH GLORY?

God’s Glory — Part 1

Looking at this scene, John as a born Jew and a personal follower of Jesus Christ understands what the Glory of God is. He has heard plenty about the Shechinah Glory appearing during the age of the Biblical Patriarchs and he certainly understood what importance God’s glory has played during the history of the Jewish people. If we want to define God’s Glory, we could say that the Shechinah Glory is the VISIBLE MANIFESTION OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD ALMIGHTY.
Because the Hebrew word Shechinah, which comes from the Root SHACHAN, literally means DWELLING.
The GREEK translation of the HEBREW word SHECHINAH is SKEINEI, which means TABERNACLE.
In the Old Testament most of these visible manifestations took the form of LIGHT, FIRE, OR CLOUD, or sometimes a combination of all of them.
After the glory of moses’ face faded, god manifested his glory through the tabernacle. Notice, that the tabernacle itself had no external beauty. It was covered with weather beaten animal skins. It was God who used the unattractiveness of the tabernacle to reveal and manifest His glory to Israel. The Israelites eventually started to believe that the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant where the source of their blessings. They forgot about the Shechinah Glory, that God dwellt among them.