COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.


Joshua 14:6-14
Revelation 21:1-8
1 Corinthians 6:9
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In our lives we don’t speak readily of victory. It is to big of a word for us. We have suffered to many defeats in our lives; victory has been thwarted again and again by to many weak hours to many gross sins. But isn’t it true that the spirit within us yearns for this word, for the final victory over the sin and anxious fear of death in our lives? And now God’s Word also says nothing to us about our victory; it doesn’t promise us that we will be victorious over sin and death from now on; rather, it says with all it’s that someone has won the victory, and that this person, if we have him as our Lord, will also win the victory over us. It is not we who are victorious , but Jesus. We proclaim that today and believe it despite all that we see around us, despite the graves of our loved ones, despite the moribund nature outside, despite the death that the war brings upon us again. We see the supremacy of death; yet we proclaim and believe the victory of Jesus Christ over death. Death is swallowed up in victory. Jesus is the victor, the resurrection of the dead, and the everlasting life. Quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer from A Testament to Freedom 298-229.
John C. Lennox
Resurrection of the body from the dead to everlasting life, will be the ultimate great reversal. It is the only answer to all the longings and hopes of which humans are capable. It alone can remove the shadow of death that has dogged humanity since the entry of sin into this world… this is a moral universe, and it matters therefore how human beings behave. History is not controlled inexorable fate. Human beings have been given the immense dignity of freedom of choice; and that moral capacity inevitably carries with it accountability. Quote by John C. Lennox from “Against The Flow” 344-345