COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"Perfect" Tagged Sermons

You Have To Choose!

The story about Abraham’s servant going to look for a bride for Isaac, Abraham’s only son, is not just history, IT IS THEOLOGY. The PERFECT WILL of the Heavenly Father. Abraham was 140 years old and would live another 35 years after this. He knew the perfect will of the heavenly Father. The covenant promises to bless Abraham with many descendants. To give his descendants the land of Canaan as an eternal possession.
Genuine Faith also results in genuine obedience to God’s Word. God’s Word must give us the direction, because God’s word is the revealed perfect will of the Father for His children. It was God who brought Rebekah to the well at the right time. It was God who directed Abraham’s servant to that same well. But it was Abraham’s servant who had the right attitude towards the God of Abraham. The entire story makes it clear that God had chosen Rebekah for Isaac, for His providential leading is seen each step of the way. Yet, Rebekah had to make her choice of Isaac.

Where Does Evil Come From?

HOW DOES GOD CREATE DARKNESS? Darkness is the absence of light. No one would know he was in the dark if he had never seen light. Thus by creating light God exposed the absence of it as darkness. since God did not create darkness, but darkness simply is the absence of light and God did not create calamity but calamity is simply the absence of God’s peace, then what makes darkness and calamity possible?