COMMITTED to train men and women
to have minds for the Lord Jesus,
hearts for the truth, and
hands that are skilled to the task.

"obedient actions" Tagged Sermons

Spirit And Truth

Worship involves ATTITUDE, which is awe, reverence, respect.
Worship involves ACTION, which is bowing, praising, serving.
Worship is always voluntarily offered to Him as he has offered Himself to us. TRUE WORSHIP IS NOT CHEAP ENTERTAINEMENT; it’s a costly experience. Worship God in Spirit and Truth, and you will be personally enriched and equipped with spiritual strength that helps you carry the burdens and fight the battles of life. If we know the truth but merely go through the outward motions of worship, our worship will be hypocritical and empty. Objective truth never changes, but our understanding of it deepens and our experience of it should become more and more meaningful.