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"Messiah" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Who Is Riding This White Horse?

If we want to understand what God is about to do on this earth, then we must be willing to read and study what He says, not what people say.
• There are seven seals, the 7th seal contains 7 trumpet judgments.
• There are seven trumpets, the 7th trumpet contains 7 bowl judgment.
The rider has a bow, but no arrow. In other words, his conquering will involve bloodless victories. He will not conquer by military force, but instead he will conquer the people with a peace agreement. His conquest will be a cold war victory. The key word here is through deception.
The Spirit of Antichrist is working in those who once professed to be followers of Jesus Christ, professing Christians, but they have never been saved. The antichrist, the man who will deceive the whole world, will come out of the professing Christian world. He will be a Gentile, and he will be of Roman Origin.

How Is That Possible?

Jesus knew exactly what He was about to do and how the people would react. Jesus came to this earth for this very moment, to be revealed to the Jews as their Messiah. He also knew that He would be crucified by the Romans once His own nation would deliver Him to those who occupied their land.
How is it possible that the religious leaders of His day could not understand what was going on. How can we make sure we are not repeating the same devastating mistake? They were not interested to study the scriptures to find out God’s plan for them, but rather to justify their plans which God should approve.